We have a number of services taking place over Holy Week. We would love you to join us as we explore and give thanks for the most special sacrifice ever made for us and what that means to us in life today!

Palm Sunday
This first Sunday of Holy Week we focus on the entry of Christ into Jerusalem to the shouts of “Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.” This is the day that Jesus entered the city in triumph, but as a part of his journey to the cross; this is the week in which the crowd’s cries of “Hosanna” would soon turn to “Crucify him.”
Maundy Thursday Supper
19:30 - 21:00
In commemoration of the Last Supper, join us for a simple meal with Communion in the Church room.
If you would like to join us or help set up / clear away, please email barry.ratcliffe@htdchurch.org

good friday
10:00 An Hour at the Cross
A contemplative but accessible hour for all as we pray over the events of that first Good Friday, when Jesus was crucified and died that we might live.
EASTER STALL @ Jubilee Park
Between 12noon – 3pm, at Jubilee Park (formerly Springfield Park) visit our Easter stall with the Easter biscuit challenge, Easter Bonnet Competition and activities.

Join us for Holy Communion:
11:00am HTD Church, Deanshanger
9:00am St Guthlac's, Passenham
Two opportunities to celebrate the best thing that has ever happened in the Universe, the power of the Easter weekend, the power of the cross and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ! ’He is risen’ ... three words that changed the world!